
Windows 10

I use Windows 10 and use WSL2 to run the linux based parts. if you develop on other platform, it is quite likely that you may need to change some details. if that is needed , please update/add to the documentation and send a documentation PR.

  • clone

  • create python virtual environment (optional)

  • install requirements-dev

  • setup sister repos

  • run test to verify setup

Github codespaces

Is is also possible to start a pre-configure development environment in GitHub Codespaces this is probably the fastest and quickest way to start developing.

Note that Codespaces is currently in an extended beta.

picture of how to start codespaces

Wrestling with two pythons

This project combines CPython and MicroPython in one project. As a result you may/will need to switch the configuration of pylint and VSCode to match the section of code that you are working on. This is caused by the fact that pylint does not support per-folder configuration

to help switching there are 2 different .pylintrc files stored in the root of the project to simplify switching.

Similar changes will need to be done to the .vscode/settings.json

If / when we can get pylance to work with the micropython stubs , this may become simpler as Pylance natively supports multi-root workspaces, meaning that you can open multiple folders in the same Visual Studio Code session and have Pylance functionality in each folder.


if you make changes to the script , you should also update the minified version by running python minify at some point.

if you forget to do this there is a github action that should do this for you and create a PR for your branch.


MicroPython-Stubber has a number of tests written in Pytest

see below overview




used where

normal & minified

runs on micropython-linux ports

WSL2 and github actions


simple_git module
retrieval of frozen modules

does not use mocking but actually retrieves different firmware versions locally using git or dowNloads modules for online

local windows


all other tests


local + github action


Also see test documentation

Platform detection to support pytest In order to allow both simple usability om MicroPython and testability on Full Python, createstubs does a runtime test to determine the actual platform it is running on while importing the module This is similar to using the if __name__ == "__main__": preamble If running on MicroPython, then it starts stubbing

if isMicroPython():

Testing on micropython linux port(s) in order to be able to test, it has been updated to run on linux, and accept a –path parameter to indicate the path where the stubs should be stored.

github actions


This workflow will :

  • test the workstation scripts

  • test the script on multiple micropython linux versions

  • test the minified script on multiple micropython linux versions

run minify-pr.yml

This workflow will :

  • create a minified version of

  • run a quick test on that

  • and submit a PR to the branch -minify